Gatewood Theological Institute and Seminary

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the Word of Truth. - 2 Tim. 2:15

"Providing a Solid and Systematic Study of the Word of God"

The mission of GTIS is to educate men and women in both basic and professional level biblical and theological knowledge and practical skills that prepare them for Christian Service and the fulfillment of the Great Commission of Christ.
            Expanded Statement of Purpose:
            1.  GTIS is an undergraduate level theological seminary that seeks to prepare students for a variety of Christian ministries.  Classes are seminar style classes in a classroom environment promoting interaction between faculty and students.
            2.  GTIS seeks to maintain an appropriate balance between training for practical ministry while providing a rigorous academic program.
            3.  GTIS is committed to preparing students who confess a call or commitment to the ministry of Jesus Christ, demonstrate a thirst for biblical and theological knowledge, and show signs of spiritual maturity.
            4.  GTIS is committed to the fact that the Bible is the inspired written Word of God and is the final authority for all of our faith and practice.

Two Program Disciplines
Diploma or Certificate in Pastoral Education
Diploma or Certificate in Biblical Studies

Faculty Leaders and Staff
Dean and Center Director:  Dr. R. Ray Gatewood, B.S., M.Div., D.Min.
Kim A. Gatewood, B.S. M.Div., Academic Dean
Dr. Harold Van Arsdale, B.S. M.Div., D.R.E.
Professor Mark Lee, B.S. M.S.
Lakeita Lyles, B.S. M.S. Ed.D., President Trustees
Yavonne Lockhart, Registrar
Veronica Hatton, Registrar

All Classes are Tuesday Evenings @ 6:00 pm

Pastoral Education

                                              Required Foundational Subjects (5)
BB 3100/2100  Hermeneutics                                                          
NT 0100 - NT Greek                                                
TH 3201 NT Theology                                          
TH 3200 Systematic Theology                      
CH 3211 Church History                                  
                                                      Major Subjects (9)
CE/PM Capstone             Ethics/ Spiritual Formation    
PM   Worship                                                              
PM 3257  Preaching                                                  
NT 2167 – NT Survey I                                                
OT 3103 – OT Survey I                                                
                                                   Electives (2)    Any Designation

Biblical Studies

                                                 Required Foundational Subjects (4)
BB 3100/2100  Hermeneutics                                      
CH 3211 Church History                                            
TH 3200/3201  Theology                                                
NT 0100 - NT Greek                                                    
                                                          Major Subjects (10)
CE/PM Capstone          Ethics/Spiritual Formation              
PM    Worship    
NT 3166  - NT Survey I                                                
NT 3167 - NT Survey II                                                
OT 3103 - OT Survey I                                                
 3104 - OT Survey II                                            
                                                                    Electives (2)  Any Designation

Courses for Spring II Term
March 11 - April 29, 2025

All Classes are eight (8) week terms 

MS- 2223
Contemporary World Religions

An overview of the major world religions and their beliefs, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Judaism, and Islam.  One unit focuses on key sectarian groups in the United States, including the Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Unification Church, the Occult, and the New Age movement. 
Certification Course - $110.00
Professor: Dr. R. Ray Gatewood, D. Min.

NT - 2185

A study of the epistle to the Hebrews.
Certification Course - $110.00
Professor: Dr. Harold Van Arsdale, D.R.E

0T - 2125

A study of the book of Isaiah and its author—the prophet Isaiah.
Certification Course - $110.00
Professor: Professor Mark Lee, M.S.

School Registration/Class Enrollment

See the Application Below

Classes For Summer I Term
May 13 - July 01, 2025 

All Classes are eight (8) week terms  

NT - 0101

A basic study of New Testament Greek with learning the alphabet, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and prepositions and all associated paradigms. Students will translate Greek into English, develop a 160 - word Greek vocabulary, and understand the historical importance of the Greek New Testament text.
Certification Course - $110.00
Work Book - $12.00
Professor: Dr. R. Ray Gatewood, D. Min.

School Registration/Class Enrollment

See the Application Below

Classes For Fall I Term
August 05 - September 23, 2025

All Classes are eight (8) week terms  

PM - 2257
Contemporary Christian Preaching

A survey of Christian doctrines, with emphasis on revelation, the nature and work of God, Jesus Christ, humankind and sin, the Holy Spirit, salvation, and eschatology.
Certification Course - $110.00
Professor: Dr. R. Ray Gatewood, D. Min.

NT - 2166
New Testament Survey, Part I

A survey of the historical and cultural background of the New Testament, along with the life, ministry, and teachings, of Jesus.  The course also covers the process by which the gospels were written and explores the similarities among the synoptic gospels and the uniqueness of the Gospel of John.  Also covered are the authorship, purpose, and content of the book of Acts.
Certification Course - $110.00
Professor: Dr. Harold Van Arsdale, D.R.E

OT- 2104
Old Testament Survey, Part II

A survey of all the prophetic books of the OT (Isaiah through Malachi) as well as miscellaneous books known as the Writings (Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and 1 and 2 Chronicles.
Certification Course - $110.00
Professor: Professor Mark Lee, M.S.

School Registration/Class Enrollment

See the Application Below

Registration For Current Session

Fill out this form for the current session.

Students may select their own courses; however, advisor selected courses are recommended.